Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23, 3011's been a hot one this week and hard to find things to do when you can't be outside for too long. It would have been a perfect week to be up north boating but that will have to wait for one more week.

The big event for me recently was Poppy's first "Q" at an agility event. I took her to Libertyville, IL which is a Chicago suburb. There are two types of courses, a Jumpers with Weaves (jumps with weave poles) and a Standard (the typical obstacles such as teeter, dog walk, A-frame, tire jump.) She dropped a pole on the Jumpers and Weaves which results in an automatic NQ (non-qualifying.) She ran the Standard course perfectly for a score of 100 and a "Q." The other four dogs in her class got NQ's which means she got first place! There are many levels of agility and she's in the Novice A class. She has to get 3 "Q's" to move up to Novice B. We are running again on July 30th and hoping for a second "Q." At this level, it's not about the ribbons as much as it is about qualifying so you can move up the "class" ladder.

Last Sunday we went to Cedar Falls, IA for an impromptu family reunion. My aunt and uncle from Missouri were visiting as well as Erika, Refugio and kids from Houston. Their visits coincided with what would have been Grandpa Hardy's 100th birthday so the three daughters (mom and aunts Pam and Punky) decided it would be a great day for the family to get together. Those of us that could met at Pam and Jerry's house in Cedar Falls. We were hoping for an outdoor affair but the extreme heat made that impossible. We still had a wonderful time at the McMullen house. Great food and wonderful family. We missed those who couldn't make it.

Pat, Pam and Punky

We miss you Grandma and Grandpa Hardy

Seth, Christopher and Jack-on couch
Abby, Grace, Kirsty and Rachel-big girls
Noah, Sofia and Isabel-in front

Jack had his third golf tournament scheduled yesterday but it was rained out. Of course, we got all the way to Madison before we found out! He has another one this Friday, hoping for better weather!

Abby went to the Vans Warped Tour on Wednesday in Milwaukee. The goal was to attend the Paramore concert and she thought it started at noon. When she got there, she found out the Tour started at noon but the band she wanted to see wasn't playing until 8 pm. Her friend Martina and her were there all day and had a great time, except Abby's wallet was stolen out of her purse. Good thing she only had $20 and her driving permit in there.

Pretty low key weekend for the Rogerson family...first weekend in a long time where we actually have no plans.

Until next time....

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